Jennifer Lawrence is making waves with her new documentary, “Bread & Roses,” which has recently debuted its trailer. The Oscar-winning actress, known for her roles in “The Hunger Games” and “Silver Linings Playbook,” co-produced this compelling film alongside her partner, Justine Ciarrocchi. The documentary gained significant attention after being selected for the 2023 Cannes Film Festival, where it competed for the prestigious Golden Eye Award.

“Bread & Roses” offers an intimate look at the struggles of three Afghan women, highlighting their unwavering resilience amid challenging circumstances. Under the guidance of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai, who serves as an executive producer, the film focuses on the dire situation in Afghanistan after the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul in 2021. Following this event, an estimated 20 million women saw their basic rights—including education, employment, and the ability to leave their homes—systematically stripped away, leading to grave implications for their livelihoods.

The documentary closely follows the journeys of these three women as they fight for their autonomy. Directed by Sahra Mani, who previously created the documentary “A Thousand Girls Like Me,” the film dives deep into the harrowing realities faced by Afghan women. Mani captures both the harrowing challenges and the extraordinary strength, resilience, and courage within these women.

In an interview, Sahra Mani expressed her views on the significance of the documentary, stating, “Closing schools for girls in Afghanistan is not just a feminist issue; it’s a matter of international security. The Taliban knows that educated mothers raise children who are less likely to be indoctrinated or become soldiers in the future. Ensuring that girls’ schools in Afghanistan remain operational is vital for the safety and future of the entire world.”